A start has been made. It was a parcel and now it is on the frame. Stitching has begun. Trumpets sound.
I'm not exactly sure how this happened, but, I needed to dismantle the cat tapestry from its frame and take the little bits of wood that attach the tapestry frame to the floor frame. I seem to missing a set from this floor frame. Hmm. They are one of those fiddly things that could be in a drawer somewhere, stored for safety and forgetfulness, or maybe they never came when I ordered the frame. I'm sure Tim can sort it out at Bunnings. I'm due to rotate back to the cat tapestry now that I've finished 10 hours on Tim's stocking.
So, to stitch the cuff of the stocking, I am using a wool thread called Blossoms 943 which is an Australian thread - funny the travels this Gumnut has had from Bathurst, NSW to Fort Worth, Texas and then to Canberra. It came in the kit and is lovely to work with. It has a variegated, hand dyed colour that moves from a pale-beige to a browny-beige. It also has quite a texture to it. Interspersed with the wool is a Kreinik metallic thread 1/16 3232 Gold and a Red 1/16 061. They add a lovely bit of bling to the tapestry. I haven't worked with either before, being relatively new to this whole game, but love the effect of both.
I was also touched to read Jerry Kreinik's story through my travels on the internet. He died recently as a very old man in New York and many of the obituaries described him as a man who made a career from designing and manufacturing these beautiful metallic threads. The photos of him and his wife were lovely and he seemed to have left quite a legacy.
My photos don't really do justice to the light and glitter effect that these metallic threads add. You do get a bit of a sense of the colour changes in the wool, though.