I finished a cross stitch kit a few weeks ago that made up into a lovely little scissors keep. It isn't a big project and as I have a number of project bags in the rotation system, each with their own little embroidery kit, I thought I might like to make another one of these. I came across this new Celtic kit in the current Fox catalogue. Here's a look at it. It is a medieval stylised bird. I gather from the instructions that it is an image from an illuminated manuscript. Interesting posture that bird has!
From the Textile Heritage kit blurb ..."this kit is inspired by the richly illuminated gospels produced by Celtic monsatries during the Dark Ages. The Celts were widely distributed throughout Europe, and the British Celts were forced by Anglo-Saxon invasion to move to the remoter northern and western areas of Britain and Ireland. The Celts became Christians earlier than the Anglo-Saxons and developed a rich monastic culture, and sent out missionaries, such as St Columba, who came from Ireland to convert the Scottish Picts. He established a great abbey on the Scottish island of Iona. The monks here would have produced beautiful illuminated gospels. The designs in these texts drew on a wide range of artistic influences, reflecting the scattered origins of the Celts."
There you go. A bit of a potted history of events that took place thousands of years ago, of culture, art, war and religion - all the big themes of life, embroidered onto a piece of Aida and then attached to scissors in Canberra.