Date: February 2013
Last we saw this I was very close to finishing it. It only needed a few more rows and some fixing bits of stitching that had unravelled. As the threads were all quite new to me, and as I am mostly self taught, I wasn't 100% sure how to secure some of the slippery. metallic threads. I had also run out of some of the threads previously, so I was keen to be a bit economical with my waste knots. Anyway, some of it wasn't tightly secured enough and I had to redo it. Once that was all done, my 'ta-da' moment took place after 76 hours of stitching. Here it is. Now I just need to make it up into a purse, or send it to someone who will make it up into a purse for me. In the immortal words of the great Lawrence Oates "I may be some time".
Previous posts
Bargello purse (September 2012)
Midnight peacock purse nearly finished stitching but put aside nonetheless (May 2012)
Midnight peacock purse (April 2012)