Over the past year, I've started a little family practice of us all writing down our goals for the school term. My husband, son and I have all had fitness related goals this last term of 2007. My 5 year old daughter has 3 goals. One is to do well in the ice cream, Paddle Pop "Lick a Prize" competition. One is to eat more "strong food", particularly foods that are green and are grown in mum's garden, and the final one is to "pick flowers for mummy". So, this week I'll share with you a photo I took as I was settling down for bed and turning off any stray lights that were still on in the house.
This is my daughter's bedside table; four lamps and a vase of flowers. She hates falling asleep in the dark - obviously! And she's picking so many flowers at the moment there are vases on my bedside table, hers, the kitchen table and the lounge room table. Some of the flowers in this picture come from our garden, particularly the rose petals in the vase. The rest come from the neighbour's front garden. The neighbours have a 4 year old girl who also loves to pick flowers and they were in cahoots when they picked this bunch.
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