Leeks in rows waiting for harvest.
This is not yet soup. It will one day soon be added to the potato harvest and make its way into the pot because leek and potato is a popular soup in my house.
These are Nicola potatoes and I pulled out 2 kilos from one patch of the bed. I think that might be all the Nicolas but I'll check when I do the rest of the bed. I didn't do too well with the potatoes this year. I've done better in the past. I got the seed potatoes from New Gippsland and that all seemed to go really well - they have lots of variety and they looked nice when they arrived. They went in on the 27th September 2010 and I've started harvesting now. I should have harvested a month ago - and the potatoes do show signs of having been nibbled.
It has been such an unusual summer - what with all the rain - you'd kind of expect potatoes to do really well. I don't have any particular insights into the crop this year - why it didn't grow as well as in the past. I do love growing them though. They are like magic. You plant this little tuber - then a bunch of leaves grow. You water and water and then you let the tops die down and then uncover the soil and magic - potatoes.
All this rain though makes for muddy gloves.