These potatoes were planted early October. Here's the potato bed mid-November. For those who have followed along for awhile, you'd remember that I have permanent plantings at the end of each of my beds. At the far end are the comfrey plants and at the close end, from the photographer's perspective, are the strawberry plants.
Red thing says 'Yum'. In my view, the two plants that are most different in taste to the supermarket varieties are tomatoes and strawberries. (and maybe rockmelon). If you only ever grow tomatoes and strawberries you would be improving the quality of your life, thousand-fold (in my not-so-humble opinion). But you may as well grow some potatoes while you're at it (cause they're easy).
Previous posts
Planting seed potatoes (October 2011)
Buying seed potatoes (September 2011)
Leek and potato soup (May 2011)
More on the potato harvest (March 2011)
Potatoes and leeks (March 2011)
Potato bed - update late summer (February 2008)
Potato bed - early summer (December 2007)