On Sunday the 23rd September we headed down to the garden to get the Spring on. This bed was planted with tomatoes last summer and now it will be the legumes and brassicas.
The garden was quiet when we arrived and at first we three were the only ones there despite the glorious weather. Having said that, it was super windy. My hat blew off many times. The start of Spring in our community plot was a three person event. I did the weeding, then Tim did the digging, then Nick helped lay the straw and manure. We've received our Gunning Gold sheep poo order as evidenced by the bright yellow bags in the background.
After the soil was covered, Tim put the frames in; one for peas, one for beans. I wont sow the bean seeds until October. They really do not like frosts and we are still due any number of frosts before the baking heat is well and truly here.
After the frames went in, I sowed the pea seeds. I've owned up before to being a ramshackle kind of seed saver. Half the frame was sown with Sugar Snap Peas from Green Harvest. The other half the frame came from a paper bag labelled 'PEAS' in a young person's handwriting.
So you will note that it is a mixture of seeds...brown ones, green ones, white ones...some really plump, others wrinkled...that sit waiting to be encased in rich black dirt. In a few months we'll know who these creatures are when the pod up.
Previous posts
Beans, beans, beans (Feb 2012)
Pea and bean bed - mid summer (Jan 2012)
Shelling peas - summer 2011 (Dec 2011)
Pea and bean bed - early Summer 2011 (Dec 2011)
Pea and bean bed - Spring 2011 (Nov 2011)
Spring vegetables and sowing peas (Oct 2011)
Planting peas - preparing the trench (September 2011)
Bean bed - update - end of summer (February 2008)
Bean bed - early summer (December 2007)
Seed saving - beans blue lake (May 2007)
Seed saving - beans (April 2007)